
Picture of Bilberry Plant

Bilberry Plant

Bilberry Benefits

For centuries, Bilberry has been used to treat blood disorders and vascular problems, such as angina, varicose veins and thrombosis.

The berry’s high content of anthocyanin and flavonoids give strength to the capillaries while thinning the blood.

Bilberry contains one of the most powerful antioxidants known to exist. This antioxidant called anthocyanin can improve the flow of blood to the nervous system, lower blood pressure and reduce blood clotting. It also contains the blood sugar lowering substance called glucoquinine.

For hundreds of years herbalists have been prescribing Bilberry for night blindness and failing vision. Because of it’s high antioxidant content, this herb can prevent damage of the eye by free radicals. Besides the antioxidant anthocyanin, Bilberry also contains Vitamin C and A. These are also helpful for good vision, as they are needed for the repair of tissue cells.

The fruit of the Bilberry plant also helps protect the blood vessels and collagen structure in the eyes. This is important for the capillaries that shuttle nutrients to the eye’s nerves and muscles.

The component in Bilberry called Anthocyanin is what is believed to give this herb it’s ability to improve eye health. This substance can actually help the eyes adapt to different lighting conditions and protect them from damaging sunlight. Since free radicals are the leading cause of eye problems, it’s high levels of antioxidants play an important role in eye health.

Many people suffering from “wet macular degeneration” take Bilberry because it strengthens the capillaries. When the capillaries bleed, they cause scarring which causes vision loss. When the capillaries are strong, they won’t leak fluid which is a major source of problems.

Because Bilberry contains many potent antioxidants that help reduce free radical damage, it makes this herb good for anti-aging. It is often an ingredient in popular anti-aging formulas.

Besides offering great protection for the eyes, Bilberry can also be used to treat problems of the digestive tract and other stomach ailments. It is an effective treatment for nausea, diarrhea and indigestion. It can also be beneficial to the mucous membranes in the throat and mouth, due to it’s anti-inflammation properties.

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Bilberry Uses

  • Improve vision
  • Treat night blindness
  • Treat Cataracts
  • Treat Glaucoma
  • Treat Diabetic retinopathy
  • Treat mild inflammation of the throat and mouth
  • Treat urinary tract and kidney problems
  • Treat arthritis and gout
  • Treat skin conditions
  • Treat diarrhea
  • Treat Hemorrhoids
  • Treat varicose veins
  • Treat Muscular degeneration
  • Improve blood circulation
  • Treat angina (chest pain)
  • Treat hardening of the arteries
  • Treat diabetes
  • Treat arthritis
  • Treat chronic fatigue syndrome

Scientific Name

Vaccinum myrtillus

Common Names

European blueberry, bogberry, whortleberry

Where It Grows

This plant is commonly found in North America, Canada and Europe

Which Part Of The Plant Is Used


Picture of Bilberry Fruit

Bilberry Fruit

How It Works

The berries of the Bilberry plant contains tannins, flavonoids, sugars, anthocyanins and pectins. These substances have the ability to stabilize collagen, thin the blood and strengthen the capillaries. Bilberries also contain very potent antioxidants. These antioxidants protect and repair damaged cells and are very important to good health.

How It’s Used

The fruit can be eaten raw or dried and ground into powder and put into capsules. It can also be used as a tea.

Description and History Of Bilberry

Bilberry is a wild perennial shrub with small branches that grows up to two and a half feet tall. It is native to Canada, Europe and North America. The plant has small, tooth-like, leathery leaves and white flowers. It produces large quantities of purplish fruit much like a blueberry. The berry has a flat top and is round in shape. It likes moist soil and can be found growing in moors and woodlands. In the U.S. the plant is commonly called “huckleberry”. In Europe it is known as “whortleberry”. Many people make the berries into jam or just eat them raw.

Bilberry has been used as a food for centuries. Most people ate the berries just because they tasted good, but some noticed their healing properties and began to use them in healing remedies. In the past they were a commonly eaten by Native Americans who collected and stored them for the winter.

In World War II, The pilots had to fly dangerous nighttime bombing raids into the heart of Germany. Many of them found that if they ate Bilberry jam before a mission, they could see much better in the darkness. Many years later, scientist confirmed this fact with laboratory testing. They discovered that Bilberry could increase rhodopsin (retinal purple) dramatically is as little as 20 minutes.

Precautions and Side Effects

Do not take Bilberry if you suffer from a blood clotting or bleeding disorder or if you are taking medicine for the prevention of blood clots. If you are pregnant or nursing, talk to your doctor before taking this or any health supplement.

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